Huia’s Ph@tt Journey- it’s a Cher song …

Imagine if you could turn back time? I’m not talking about undoing past regrets or visiting your grandma for one last cup of tea. Unfortunately this article is not about corporeal time travel. It’s about the search for the fountain of youth and it’s pinnacle – Liquid BioCell… maybe. Would you believe living healthier through healing my gut and then making better lifestyle choices for sustainable long-term health through weightloss?

My cousin, Rutu Watson posted photos of herself on Facebook. She had had severe complications from Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and had everything removed. I saw the post-op pic. A month or so later and she was playing netball in Aotearoa/New Zealand at the World Masters Games. It was unbelievable! I needed some of that! Like when Harry Met Sally- I’ll have what she’s having!

Can you tell this is the same person???

After the birth of baby #3 I was really tired. Not “phew! that was hard work” tired but “tired of my life” tired. There’s a lot I could say about that time. Some of it you can read about here. What I will say is I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. When I saw those posts of my cousin I saw a way to lose my baby weight forever and regain some of my pep. I could turn back time!

Queue intro to Ph@tt!

Rutu told me about Putting Health at the Top – a gut-health weight loss program that encourages long term lifestyle changes. Basically if you stop overloading your body with toxins, provide your system with good building blocks and your gut is healthy then your body will naturally gravitate towards optimal health including ideal body mass index weight. Similarly, any obesity related indicators of unwellness or dis-ease will begin to dissipate if not disappear. That’s the theory.

Well, if you’ve read any of my previous blog posts you’ll know how this story ends. So here’s the Disclaimer. I am not a dietician or medical professional of any description. All recommendations on this article are based on personal experience. You should consult your doctor and seek professional medical advice before commencing any diet, weight loss or health program. As an Independent Social Marketer for Modere I am paid a commission for any purchase arising from the links to products on my website or in my blogs. I do not recommend any product I have not tried myself. I write about my experiences in articles on my blog. Like this one.

Ok so I am not the greatest at following schedules or plans. I tried without the supplements and yeah I experienced weight loss. However I also experienced cramps, headaches and a few other unpleasant symptoms involving some downtime. Actually the whole experience was quite unpleasant. So I bought the stuff.

Of course I wrote a blog about the stuff. Basically it gives information on which nutritional support product works to help “build/heal” your digestive system and which product helps “eliminate” toxins loosely speaking (but not too loosely).

Some quick general advice on nutritional support that can apply to any health supplement –

  • Always read the label.
  • Understand what the stuff does for your body and only buy what you need for your circumstances.
  • Ask questions.
  • If you have access to a health coach or mentor (like me) use them! Check in daily or as often as you are allowed.
  • Make sure your supplier of nutritional products is reputable.
  • Read product reviews.
  • A health supplement does not and should not replace real food.

Well, after following the meal plan and taking the stuff, I lost 10kgs in under 4 weeks! No shakes. No exercise. And I cheated every Thursday. I started thinking this gut-health thing might be something … it might actually work!

I was congratulating myself for losing 10kgs and telling everybody! I felt great. I looked great. My husband obviously thought so and bam! Well, wham, bam, thank you mam! Helllooo baby #4. It was like I woke up one day and found myself over 40 years old and heading into my fourth cesarean delivery.

It was a challenging pregnancy. I stopped doing Phatt things as I vomited pretty much everything in the first trimester. I ended up using what I had learnt from my Phatt journey to address some of the health challenges I had. I would visit the chemist and then check the fact sheets and realised my doctor was prescribing some key components of nutritional support recommended on the gut-health program I did before my pregnancy. So I went back on a modified version of the gut-health program.

Goodbye fainting spells, headaches, and fatigue. Hello, strength, stamina and more energy. I was still taking some of the stuff right up until operation day.

Baby was born and fed straight away. No screaming starving baby because my milk came in straight away. On the second day I was up, showered and walking around. Day 3 I was passing normal motions and on Day 4 I was on my way home.

At the time of writing, my baby #4 is 17 weeks old (4 months). My bmi is still high for my height but steadily continues to drop. I have another 10 kgs to go to reach “normal” bmi. If I just keep doing what I’m doing I’ll get there before she turns one. It’s an odd feeling to watch your measurements shrink as your baby’s measurements increase.

Women’s bodies change so much post partum. I’m proud of my body and secure in putting my health at the top in order to give me the energy and head space to look after my family.

I am so happy I learnt to take care of myself through the gut-health program. It literally transformed not just my body but also my life. I am now helping other women experience such transformation in their own lives.

Be blessed and be a blessing!

Huia xx

14 thoughts on “Huia’s Ph@tt Journey- it’s a Cher song …”

  1. Very interesting journey. It seems that the world is always on a diet and there are success stories that inspire others much as yours does. I follow a ketogenic lifestyle as a whole foods chef and that is what works for me. I have found that keeping wheat and white starches out of my diet I function at a higher level and have much more energy. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. it will give hope to others in need of a little help to getting started bringing they bodies back to the place that is the healthiest for them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! Lately I have been wondering whether the maintenance stage of our program is compatible with ketogenic as it seems to do similar things (ie kick start the body’s natural systems). But the ketogenic meal plan I looked at seemed to have a lot of fat? Avocado and olive oil is better than dairy whip and margerine in any meal plan. These days I don’t eat to meal plan so much as just follow general guidelines – It’s more a lifestyle change than a diet.


  2. Love your story. My life has been a weight loss journey. Weight up, weight down – but even when my weight was down – I was overweight. Recently I lost 60 lbs for a surgery I had to have. Gained about 15 back, but at least I’m maintaining it. Always watching what I eat, exercising daily. My weight is my lifestyle. Sigh. Good luck on your journey.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Eydie! Great job losing 60 lbs! I put on about 20 pounds after each child so I’m really happy to have learnt a healthier way to eat that is both simple and effective.


  3. What a great story! And OH. MY. GOSH. Those cutie patooties! How adorable!!!

    Diet is so important. Food *IS* a drug that affects up either positively or negatively depending on what we eat and how our body responds. I find it amazing that some people do not realize this. When I eat the ‘wrong’ things, I can immediately feel it. I get sluggish, lethargic, run down, and sometimes even nauseous!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I need to lose 70 pounds and haven’t found what will help me achieve this goal but I am not giving up as I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know how you feel! You sound just like I felt before I did the gut-health program! Did you want to read my post on “phatt- putting health at the top”?


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